Be you
I started writing at a very tender age but then I always saw most of my mates reading all kinds of novels. I tried reading novels like them but it didn't just work out for me. I always found myself reading motivational books instead of story books. It was so bad that I found it difficult to read a story book of 30 pages. Some people would say it's bad not to read novels because it can help build your vocabulary and all but, the most important thing is to know what works out for you. You don't have to know how to do what the majority does in order to be you, all it takes is just to be you.
You know, a lot of times, it feels like we are doing something wrong or something that might end badly because what we do is unique. I always tell myself and people around that anything good you do and it makes you happy, never give up on it. The right thing to do is just to be yourself and try to learn more in order to develop yourself. It's not all about being yourself, development is important.
So therefore, we need to improve our lifestyle, develop ourselves positively so that we can be able to see the positive changes we seek.
That's good 👍