Sometimes this confuses me, we see people suffer, sweat to get a particular thing but when we go in search of same thing, it comes easy for us but still on the long run, we tend to take them for granted, why? Aren't we supposed to learn from those peoples experience? Aren't we supposed to hold what we have tight in order not to lose it? Don't we see the pain people go through to get what they need? So tell me, why would another still take things that come easy for them for granted, even though they know how much they need those things?
We know the saying that one doesn't know what he has until he loses it, do we always have to let ourselves fall victim of this saying? Well, I found out the reason why this saying is very much applicable in everything we do. It is not really because we want to lose it intentionally or because we don't need them anymore, do you want to know what happens?
There was a certain flower, very beautiful and attractive as well. It grew so healthy and beautiful that it made people stop to either admire or smell it. The mother flower had a bee friend who would always visited her every now and then. The bee dicsussed with her and would always suck from her whenever it came around. One fateful day, a beautiful lady saw this flower and fell in love with it, she praised and admired the flower so much and she ended up making a statement which was, "you are so beautiful to be touched just by anyone". This statement made the mother flower so happy and proud of herself that she swore that nothing will touch her again. Her bee friend came later that day to discuss with her, just as it drew nearer, the flower shouted at it saying," don't you dare perch on me". He action surprised the bee and it apologized for any wrong it had done to her, but the mother flower insisted and even chased it away and warned it never to come back. Her actions towards the bee pained it so much that it began to remember how they met, how she begged it to help her reproduce, all the sacrifices it made for her, it cried and cried but forgave her.
After that incidence, the bee stopped coming to see her. People continued admiring the flowers which made the mother flower so happy. After some time, she realized that she could no longer have offsprings, she thought and thought but no solution to it. She began to miss her friend, the bee. As her young ones died one after the other and she became sad. This made her beauty to fade away little by little until she was almost gone. Luckily, the bee and his bee friends, one day, were on there way to go do their daily job, he came across his friend, saw how miserable she was looking and had compassion towards her. He took his friends and went close to her and her young ones, sucked from them, helped her in pollination and went away. He did this everyday till she regained her beauty. The mother flower was so thankful to her friend and apologized for everything.
You see, it took the mother flower almost losing her life to realize that the bee was an important part of her life. This means that most people don't realize how important some little things or people are to them till they lose that thing/ person. We feel that since those things are there, they will continue to be there. Sometimes, we tend to neglect them without knowing.
Someone one told me that the best teacher isn't experience but the experienced, that is we should try as much as possible to hold things dear to us. We make mistakes but don't allow yourself make that same mistake twice, a stitch in time saves nine.
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