Take responsibility

I got into a situation where I had to choose between two people and I got confused. It's hard to say but due to that confusion, I made some mistakes. I felt very bad when I realized what I had done, I didn't even want to hear someone remind me of that mistake. I had to face the ones I offended and betrayed but it was so hard to hear them question you and scold you for that mistake. I wanted to prove that I was right but deep down, I knew I was wrong. The pain and shame of everything on me was so much. After a long talk and thought, I had to face whatever came from my mistake whole heartedly instead of running away. Running away will mean trying to prove that I was right, not apologising, not listening to the hurt party, making more mistake and so on.

Facing whatever came from it means being humble enough to be scolded and corrected, apologising for your wrong doing, listening to the hurt party and so on. I'm saying all these because I know how hard it is to hear the truth and I know how hard to could be to just stand and be scolded. The truth of the matter is anyone who loves you will scold you when you do something wrong. We have to learn to stand and face whatever comes our way, we have to learn to take responsibility of anything we do, we have to learn to be brave. It's hard to do all these, I won't tell you it's easy because I would be lying to say so.

Imagine getting into a fight that you didn't know it's a wrong one and after the fight, you discover that you were fighting a wrong fight and in the process you hurt alot of people and you acted without even thinking some of the times, how would you feel when you're being scolded and have to face the truth? How do you think you will be feeling when it dawns on you that you've messed up? It doesn't feel good, it's painful and worsens when you have to face all those you've hurt during the fight but the most important thing is, a mistake is already made, you just have to right your wrongs by doing better.
It's not easy to accept that you are wrong but it only takes the strong to accept and face what comes with it.



  1. It's really hard but it's takes more than courage to accept the very fact that we are wrong especially when we did the wrong without full knowledge of the truth on ground.....some would say it is a holly fight but thanks for bringing it to our knowledge again to be able to accept the truth.


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