Passion and determination

I go about my daily life, go to school, do my chores, attend meetings, attend to my social life and still do my blogging but there's one question that people ask me almost every time, "how do you combine school with all it's stress and your blog?" To be honest, whenever I'm asked this question or I come across it in any way I laugh. It's not a funny question though but something always seems to crack me up whenever I come across that question.

People say writing is a boring job, well... it's not all a lie. I was always fond of writing from a tender age, it was and still is a way I communicate better. Funny enough, I would prefer to write than talk about anything. Writing is to me a hobby, a talent, a gift and another thing you can seem to think about. It's something that helps me clear my mind, it's something that makes me happy, something that keeps me going, something that makes the most sense to me than any other thing. It's science to me, it's art to me, it's communication to me, it's emotions to me, it's anything you can think about. Anyone can decide to write anything but it becomes less easy when you give it that name "work" without initially having the passion for it. Combining my life, school and my blog to me isn't so much a big deal like you might see it, it's not even something I think so much about, why? It is because I love writing... very simple. I tend to write more than I talk, writing gives me so much joy and fulfilment.

If you want to continue doing something for a long time or you want to find out if you can do a particular thing for a long time, ask yourself this question, do I have passion for this? Does it burn like fire inside of me? Do you see yourself doing that particular thing over and over again?
Another thing that keeps me going is determination. You can't climb a high mountain with obstacles without consciously affirming to yourself that you want it reach the peak. It's not an easy road, you will meet obstacles along the way, there will be people there to discourage you, people there to tell you that you will never make it to that peak but you have to ask yourself what you really want. Do you want to listen to those discouraging words and quit or ignore them and strive harder? There are things you will try and fail at it but that shouldn't be your end, you will get tired along the way, you will want to quit, that's the truth but it takes only a self determined and strong person to rise from a fall. In between two mountains of success, there's a valley of failure. A good friend once told me that sometimes it's good and healthy to experience failure because they will help to solidify the foundation of your work. Determination is hard but it pays off.

All I know and want to tell you today is that no matter how much you think of yourself as a failure, no matter how much you haven't figured out what you are really made of, no matter how confused you are on figuring out yourself, no matter how hopeless the end of your struggles might seem, I know that you're stronger than all of that. I know that you can do it and you will do it. It's easier to give up sometimes but don't. You can do it.



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