World's human trafficking awareness day

‘‘I will take good care of your child, make sure he attends the best schools and ensure to bring him back from time to time’’, one would say. I know you might not really understand where this sentence is heading and maybe, just maybe some of us have either heard stories or experienced people that who promise a good life only to find out later that they are puns in a chess game. Some of us have also, in one way or the other trusted such words from someone only to get or pass through the exact opposite of these words. The world is a scary place and this is because people who we think are humans have always preferred to take advantage of their fellow humans. Stories like ‘‘a relative took me in after my parents died, promised to take care and cater for me but when I got to his house, he started trying to have sex with me but I refused and after all hi trials to sleep with me didn’t work, he raped me and locked me up. He regularly assaulted me and said he was going to kill me if I spoke to anyone. He ended up selling me out to another man who always raped me to satisfy himself’’. How does this story sound? Does it make you feel any safer? I think we have the same thing in mind. What do we do about these kinds of stories? What do we do to ensure that we stop hearing these stories so often? We tend to over look situations like this and because of this, people tend to forget that we are all humans and we all deserve the same respect. You don’t treat your fellow humans like trash; you treat them with love and respect.
One of the major problems we face today is human trafficking and it has become a painful thing that you see people like you with souls and hearts using their fellow human beings all in the name of making money. Human trafficking is the third largest crime industry in the world, behind drug dealing or trading and arms trafficking, and is the fastest-growing activity nationwide. I have come across a saying that states, ‘‘we love humans and use money’’ but unfortunately in our today’s world, we love money and use our fellow humans. It is also a violation to human right all over the world. Research from the international labour organization has shown that forced labour alone (one component of human trafficking) generates an estimated $150 billion in profits per annum as of 2014 and I know what is going n in some of your minds now, you are like wow, this is so much money. In 2012, they estimated that 21 million victims trapped in modern-day slavery, 68% exploited for labour, 22% sexually exploited, and 10% exploited in state-imposed forced labour. This is outrageous and inhuman and it has to stop if not, 95% of the next generation will end up being slaves to the remaining 5%.

To be able to fight human trafficking we have to know and understand why it has been and is still happening. Amongst all other reasons, there are ones that are unavoidably the reasons why people forget their nature and go into using people. One of these reasons is poverty. Poverty has made a lot of people go into using their fellow humans are slaves and has also lead to a lot of people unknowingly giving up their children to such people. For example, a poor widow in the village with 5 kids who has been left living in the street because he husband is late. If anyone offers to take one or two of her children to a foreign country to learn a trade, she might disagree at first but seeing her children in that unbearable condition can make her change her mind into giving out her kids to finding a better life, unknown to her that these people don’t have her children’s best interest at heart. The second reason is corruption. Corruption has eaten through every country in the world though some have a way of getting it to a minimal level while others have decided to join the crowd. Corruption has made it easier for traffickers to wander the streets without fear; this is because they believe that no matter what happens, they can easily pay it off. It has also made it possible for them to create complex routes within and across countries to enable smooth movements of victims. There are so many other reasons why human trafficking keeps growing, they include; globalization, gender inequality, lack of education etc.

Today, we are here to say no to human trafficking, we are here to bring to the awareness of people that human trafficking is real, we are here to let people who are into this act know that it is wrong and inhuman. We all or at least most of us understand how hard it is make live in a cruel world and how much you have to suffer to earn that much money you dream of but we still want to stand our ground and say that there are better ways to make money. You don’t have to sell out your friends, you don’t have to turn people’s children into slaves, you don’t have to torture them, and you don’t have to rape them. This is all wrong and we have to start now to correct these things, we have to start making the change. You don’t expect to government to snap their finger and boom! It all vanishes. We have to first, decide to love one another and look out genuinely for others. I am saying this because most of the people who are being trafficked are sold out to the traffickers by either a family member or a so called friend. Some traffickers might go by kidnapping and other ways but he or she cannot just enter a family house and demand for a child if he is not close to the family.

We all want to live a happy life, we all want to make money, we all want to make our parents, children, wives, husbands proud but there are better ways to do so. It is said that there are many ways to kill a rat so we have to choose the right path to ensure the safety of our fellow humans as we earn a living. Let us begin today to spread the news, let us start today to turn our backs on trafficking, we all want to be happy and fulfilled but we have to have it at the back of our mind that great happiness and fulfilment comes when every other person around us is happy.S







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